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6 Tips to Make Working from Home Work For You

Lex Lianos

Lex Lianos is an award winning, top producing Realtor...

Lex Lianos is an award winning, top producing Realtor...

Mar 17 4 minutes read

The Coronavirus pandemic has been affecting many aspects of our daily lives, including our work day. Being thrown into working from home indefinitely isn't always the easiest situation when you are used to completely separating your home and professional life. Here are 6 useful tips to make the most of working from home for the unforeseeable future: 

1. Separate work from home (as much as you can)

Unless you're lucky enough to have a spacious home office, many of us have to create a makeshift space in our kitchen or dining rooms. Make sure the table is completely clean before you start your work day or before you go to bed. Try to set up the space to emulate your normal office as much as possible.

In addition, many parents are struggling to separate their work and personal lives with their kids now home from school. Be sure to stock up on games, puzzles, books, and whatever else it takes to keep them occupied throughout the day. 

2. Get Dressed

Although one of the things people love the most about working from home is being able to stay in your PJs, studies have shown that wearing business attire actually increases abstract thinking and productivity. Even if you don't usually dress formally in your job, change into something that makes you feel good rather than staying in the same t-shirt and sweatpants all week.

3. Create a new morning routine

Take advantage of the time you're saving not having to commute and get yourself energized for the day. Whether it's exercising, stretching, listening to a podcast or meditation, it is important to still have the "me" time in the morning before you get into work mode. Try waking up when you normally do despite not having a commute to make this important time for yourself.

4. Plan your lunches

While working from home it can be easy to overeat all the groceries you likely just bought, or get too distracted to the point where you forget to eat at all. Plan what you will eat for lunch the night before and even set a reminder around noon to take a break to eat. Meal prep for the week on Sundays or plan to get takeout to support your local favorite restaurant. 

5. Don't get distracted by chores

While staying at home all day you will likely find yourself noticing all of these household chores that need to be done. It can be easy to be distracted by a sink full of dishes or dusty shelves and want to interrupt your work to take care of it. Set a specific time during the day to knock out some chores, but don't overdo it. 

6. Stay Connected

While you're probably stressed about the big changes to your work (and personal) life, many of your colleagues, clients, and friends are likely feeling the same way. Talk with them openly about the challenges you’re experiencing along with some solutions—it can provide an opportunity to connect with people at a different interpersonal level. Remember -  we’re all in this together!

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