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5 Ways to Spend Halloween during Covid-19

Lex Lianos

Lex Lianos is an award winning, top producing Realtor...

Lex Lianos is an award winning, top producing Realtor...

Oct 29 4 minutes read

1. Halloween in a Bag

The Town of Vienna has always gone above and beyond to celebrate Halloween. Usually,  the town puts on a Halloween on the Green celebration, but this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, they’ve come up with something safe and special instead: Halloween in a Bag

Town residents can come into the Community Center and pick up bags sponsored by both the town and local businesses. These bags are available until they run out, so there is no prerequisite for getting a bag. Just have $20 handy to pay for them. The bags include all sorts of goodies to enjoy on Halloween without having anyone leave the house or get sick. Each bag is enough for two children. 

The bags include a DIY princess or superhero kit, two pumpkins from the Merrifield Garden Center, a decorating kit, a scoop, popcorn and movie recommendations, candy, a mask kit, assorted crafts, healthy snacks and a cup, an activity pack, and lots of other fun little toys and games to play.


2. Jammin Java

You don’t have to stay inside to be socially distant and enjoy Halloween. Pop on over to Jammin Java for their outdoor, social distancing Halloween party and concert. The DMV 90s tribute band Back to the 90s will be playing, so come appropriately dressed for a fun flashback event!

The event is on the 31st, and is free and open to all. Tables are available for those buying refreshments, and of course, masks are required. The happy hour is from 3 to 5, and the concert itself starts at 5:30. 

Located on Maple Avenue, Jammin Java is one of the best local spots in Vienna for concerts, drinks and hanging out. Local bands and musicians can be discovered here while you and your friends munch on pizza. If you’ve never been before, there’s no better time than the present.

 3. Air and Scare at Home

The Steven F. Udvar Hazy Center located in Chantilly, VA usually puts on Air & Scare every year. However, this year, the museum was forced to think outside of the box. So they made it a virtual event instead. 

Air & Scare at Home includes downloadable activities for the kids, Star Wars activities, a video tutorial for how to make Blue Milk, pumpkin stencils, and several competitions to enter. Other activities include a virtual story time and live programming. 

The live programming features discussions about sci-fi costumes and props from popular science fiction series like Star Wars and Star Trek. Others include spooky stories about planes and aviation, and an Instagram story about Area 51.  

 4. Vienna Theatre Company

This one is a little bit more geared for adults, but children can enjoy the experience as well. If you’re looking to enjoy some local color from the comfort of your own home, tune into the Vienna Theatre Company’s virtual presentation, In Living Sound. 

For two weekends only, the Vienna Theatre Company will be presenting three episodes from three classic American radio shows, each from different genres. One will be comedy, one will be sci-fi, and one will be detective fiction. 


5. Town of Vienna Virtual Pumpkin Carving

For the more competitive members of the family, consider participating in the Town of Vienna’s Virtual Pumpkin Carving Contest. The contest includes four categories, including a Quarantine inspired category and a just for kids category. Submissions are due October 31 and the winners of the categories will be announced on November 2. 

Prizes include gifts and giftcards from several local businesses.

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